
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Add-ins tab of the Ribbon

Sub CreateMenu()
' creates a new menu.
' can also be used to create commandbarbuttons
' may be automatically executed from an Auto_Open macro or a Workbook_Open eventmacro
Dim cbMenu As CommandBarControl, cbSubMenu As CommandBarControl
RemoveMenu ' delete the menu if it already exists
' create a new menu on an existing commandbar (the next 6 lines)
Set cbMenu = Application.CommandBars(1).Controls.Add(msoControlPopup, , , , True)
With cbMenu
.Caption = "&My menu"
.Tag = "MyTag"
.BeginGroup = False
End With
' alternatively, add to an existing menu (use the next line instead of the previous 6 lines)
'Set cbMenu = Application.CommandBars.FindControl(, 30007) ' Tools-menu
If cbMenu Is Nothing Then Exit Sub ' didn't find the menu...

' add menuitem to menu
With cbMenu.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, 1, , , True)
.Caption = "&Menu Item1"
.OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!TestMacro"
End With

' add menuitem to menu
With cbMenu.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, 1, , , True)
.Caption = "&Menu Item2"
.OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!TestMacro"
End With

' add a submenu
Set cbSubMenu = cbMenu.Controls.Add(msoControlPopup, 1, , , True)
With cbSubMenu
.Caption = "&Submenu1"
.Tag = "SubMenu1"
.BeginGroup = True
End With

' add menuitem to submenu (or buttons to a commandbar)
With cbSubMenu.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, 1, , , True)
.Caption = "&Submenu Item1"
.OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!TestMacro"
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.FaceId = 71
.State = msoButtonDown ' or msoButtonUp
End With

' add menuitem to submenu (or buttons to a commandbar)
With cbSubMenu.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, 1, , , True)
.Caption = "&Submenu Item2"
.OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!TestMacro"
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.FaceId = 72
.Enabled = False ' or True
End With

' add a submenu to the submenu
Set cbSubMenu = cbSubMenu.Controls.Add(msoControlPopup, 1, , , True)
With cbSubMenu
.Caption = "&Submenu2"
.Tag = "SubMenu2"
.BeginGroup = True
End With

' add menuitem to submenu submenu
With cbSubMenu.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, 1, , , True)
.Caption = "&Submenu Item1"
.OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!TestMacro"
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.FaceId = 71
.State = msoButtonDown ' or msoButtonUp
End With

' add menuitem to submenu submenu
With cbSubMenu.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, 1, , , True)
.Caption = "&Submenu Item2"
.OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!TestMacro"
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.FaceId = 72
.Enabled = False ' or True
End With

' add menuitem to menu
With cbMenu.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, 1, , , True)
.Caption = "&Remove this menu"
.OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!RemoveMenu"
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.FaceId = 463
.BeginGroup = True
End With
Set cbSubMenu = Nothing
Set cbMenu = Nothing
End Sub
Sub RemoveMenu()
' may be automatically executed from an Workbook_Close macro or
' a Workbook_BeforeClose eventmacro
DeleteCustomCommandBarControl "MyTag" ' deletes the new menu
End Sub
Private Sub DeleteCustomCommandBarControl(CustomControlTag As String)
' deletes ALL occurences of commandbar controls with a tag = CustomControlTag
On Error Resume Next
Application.CommandBars.FindControl(, , CustomControlTag, False).Delete
Loop Until _
Application.CommandBars.FindControl(, , CustomControlTag, False) Is Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub TestMacro()
' used by the menuitems created by the CreateMenu macro
MsgBox "This would run your macro!", vbInformation, ThisWorkbook.Name
End Sub



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